Monthly Archives: July 2017

NHC – July 16, 2017: NHC at Lucasfilm? Worst Standalone Film Ideas and More

Konnicihiwa, Nerfherders! There’s a lot to cover this week. AJ and JT both have plans to visit Lucasfilm this year, opening dates for the Star Wars lands may point to a location for Star Wars Celebration in 2019, we review a fan’s list of possible standalone movie topics, and plenty of other hijinks. Yes, we said “hijinks”. Get off our lawn!!

NHC – July 2, 2017: The Han Solo Episode

Welcome back, Nerfherders! As much as we hate jumping on the news cycle, we – meaning *Jon* – can’t pass up the opportunity when his beloved Han Solo is in trouble! News recently broke that the directors of the as-yet-untitled Han Solo movie were fired with principal filming almost complete. Ron Howard has stepped in to direct. What does all this mean for the film? Turns out – surprise, surprise – Jon has plenty to say on the matter!