Tag Archives: padme

“Attack of the Clones” vs. “Revenge of the Sith”!

Say what you want about the Star Wars prequels – but it’s common knowledge that Revenge of the Sith is the best of the three films.

Or is it?

Virtual Cantina legend Spencer Jawitz claims that Attack of the Clones is the best of the trilogy – and JT vehemently disagrees! On this episode, JT and Spencer go head to head to attempt to solve this debate once and for all!

Attack on Attack of the Clones: In Defense of Episode 2

Attack of the Clones is the worst Star Wars movie ever made! At least, that’s what many people would have you believe – but does it deserve such a bad rep? We stack it up against a few other common lowlights in Star Wars cinema and see how it compares. Also, Battlefront video game news and an awful Ziro the Hutt impression.