Tag Archives: jedi

“The Acolyte” Season 1 Review!

We’ve finally gotten the entire season of Acolyte… and we definitely have some thoughts on what we’ve seen and what it could mean for the future of Star Wars! We’ve enlisted our great friend Cris Macht from the Machtails From The Cantina podcast to help class up the show a little bit – and to give HIS opinions on one of the most hotly debated Star Wars shows to date!

Return of the Jedi: Dark Horse of the OT?

We all know and love A New Hope and The Empire Strikes Back. Heck, we’ve even debated which one deserves the title of “Best ‘Star Wars’ Movie” on this very show! But what if we’ve had it wrong this whole time?? There are some people (or one, at least) who think Return of the Jedi is the best of the series. We weigh its merits – because ultimately, even the “worst” of the original trilogy is still amazeballs. Amiright?!